Yeah, You Guys Should Make Fun of Me

So, I wasn’t at the Super Wal-Mart at 12:01 am last night/this morning to buy The Hunger Games. It was 1:30ish am before I actually went to the store. I was talking to the Viking, and I chose him over the movie. I chose him over The Hunger Games.

I’ve only watched it twice.. The first time I even got to watch it with the subtitles on. I love subtitles, and I would watch everything with them on if I could. Unfortunately, I don’t have control over those things until about 2 am. It explains why I rarely watch TV except for then.

Here is the deal about subtitles: my hearing is a little squishy, but mostly they keep me from getting bored and wandering off. I have the attention span of a gnat, and I find it impossible to watch anything more than a 30 minute show without closed captioning. Having something to read helps me focus.

If I’m reading, on the other hand, I can focus for hours. Honestly, if I am somewhere comfortable, I could read without stopping except for those necessary body functions for hours, maybe even days with sleep. I get engrossed in the world the book is creating in my head, and I never want to leave it. It is why I read my favorite books over and over and over.


Oh the nerd humor. OOOOOH the humor

Yeah. I am the biggest Suzanne Collins fan girl ever. Take that you Twittards!

Earlier this week I was convinced I was the biggest bad ass in the world because I wrote like a crazy woman. I was going to be DONE by today. Yeah. Two days ago I puttered out. I’ve been kind of emo about it. I am at the most pivotal part of the story, and I think I’ve just frozen not wanting to do it badly.  I need to accept that I might write it badly, but I can always rewrite it. One day I might actually finish finish something. This writing shit takes forever. The good news is I have a strange situation injury-thingy that means I pretty much have to be sitting.  I take it as the universe telling me to shut up and write.

Also, I *might* have spent a little extra money to get the movie pack with the mockingjay pendant. I should be embarrassed, but I’m just not.


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