I’mma Learn to Use a Torch

Or: Dragons and Zombies and Shit

I feel the creativity come back.  When I’m depressed it goes away and leaves a dramatic void. I never quite understood what that void was until this time. I knew I couldn’t write but for some reason it never dawned on me it was because my creativity was gone.

I felt it started come back Monday, but I didn’t realize what it was. I thought I was just joking around with Tina making wild plans and making up a story about how I know the Viking and I are going to end up on The Learning Channel right after Honey Boo Boo because he and I are both crazy people. I actually think that was probably one of the best text conversations in the history of ever.

When I said something about what I was getting myself into, she replied adventure.

Actually, in my mind it was more like “Adventure!” and we throw our arms up in the air when we say it.

Fuck yeah! Adventure!

Turns out my creativity is very play and goofball oriented.

I start telling myself little stories about things and it grows from there.

It is wonderful.

I see a future for myself as a MS Paint artist.

I see a future for myself as a MS Paint artist. Also, I totally meant all those typos.




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