
When I was little I might have been a *little* stubborn. Shocker right? My mom caught a lot of flack for not making me do things or letting me do things like dress myself terribly. My mom is a smart lady and knew to pick her battles. Peas were just not a battle worth having, so she taught me to say ‘no thank you’ and left it.

When I was about six, my sister and I went to stay with my aunt. My aunt didn’t understand the whole picking your battles thing and served me peas.

frozen peas

These fuckers right here

I said ‘no, thank you, I don’t like peas’ very politely like my mom taught me. This was not acceptable. At about 6pm, my aunt told me, like adult people do, I couldn’t get up from the table until I had eaten my peas.

At about midnight, my aunt snatched the plate from out in front of me, threw out the peas, and yelled at me in pure frustration as she made my pallet on the floor.

I have stayed that stubborn. It isn’t malicious or even to be a trouble maker. It is just who I am. My aunt learned my mom’s lesson about picking battles. Also, to this day, frozen peas only exist as fantastic ice packs for injuries.


1 comment

    • Lynsie on June 3, 2014 at 8:23 pm
    • Reply


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