I might be a bit of an emo queen

Background: I started having sinus and chest issues before Christmas, and they never really went away. They got much better, and I was able to power through Christmas but they were always there.  Wednesday, my chest congestion and cough came back with vengeance. (I didn’t write Thursday because I actually hate writing about how bad I feel.)

I grew up with this kind of label of hypochondriac drama queen whiny baby any time I got sick, so now I am kind of paranoid about bringing up feeling bad. The older I get the more I don’t want to talk about feeling bad or  I try to down play being sick. I accept that sometimes you have to put on your big girl panties and deal with things no matter how bad you feel. I try really hard.

http://evolvefish.com/fish/magnets.html from here

I have a cough and pretty severe chest congestion and I am not able to sleep for long periods of time. Try as I might to be a big girl about it, today, I broke. Lack of sleep, hurting every time I inhale, and general wussy-ness finally got to me.

I sent Tina a text that said, “I need emotional coddling,” and like a hero she called me. I lost all ability to be a grown up woman and just whined and sobbed. She gave me the sympathy and the emotional coddling that I needed until I lost my ability to talk.

I feel so much better now. It still hurts when I breath and I still have random coughing fits, but it is all so much more bearable now. This is why we all need a best friend, so we can have someone to call when we are miserable sick and cry.

I found this when I googled “Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.” I found it mildly disturbing and awesome and odd that it under that search.

... Chocolate would get you further than rainbows



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    • Lynsie on January 7, 2012 at 10:04 pm
    • Reply

    uuuuugh. I know exactly how you feel. been sick going on three weeks now, and I know people around me got sick of me whining, but jesus how long can you cough before you go insane? how many sleepless nights can you have before breaking down? today is the first day that I’ve felt good, THANK GOD. but now Mike is sick, of course.

    1. Oh my god, I don’t think I can handle this for three weeks. You are right though, it is the sleep that makes me the most nuts. I needs my sleep or I go even more insane. I am so sorry you have hazd this for so long

  1. Is that Starlite, Rainbow Brite’s faithful companion, peeing rainbows?

    Oh, and I hope you get to feeling better soon!!

    1. See, peeing isn’t my first thought, but, you know, I am a dirty pervert.

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