I Love My Life


I’m hoping that is mud. Or blood. Or anything aside from what I am hoping it is not.

So, I know I have been kinda melancholy lately, not like depressed or wanting to cut myself to prove to myself I’m alive or anything, but just not my normal fucked up cheery self. I had been frustrated and stressed and worried. Blah Blah Blah. Today, I had one of those simple glorious moments that slayed my melancholy and made me fall back madly in love with my life. It also proved, once again, that Tina is way more awesome than me.

Lemme set the scene: The Viking had an important thing today, and my curiosity killed all of my recent attempts to be less all overly attached girlfriend.” (See bottom of post for explanation of meme reference. I understand some of you aren’t as win at the internet as I am.) So, I sent him a text asking how things went, then I went about my day doing awesome because I am awesome. An hour later I checked my phone and found six texts.

Text one was from The Viking assuring me he is almost as awesome as I am.

This is a transcripts of the rest of what happened:

Text 2: Tina: Do you ever have one of those moments when you step out to grab the mail and one of the neighehood stray cats (that happens to be black) bolts in as you

Text 3: Still Tina: open the door and while handling the ensuing mayhem you find the crystal ball you lost months ago and there’s really (not) much else you can do at that point

Text 4: but light a white candle and ponder the absurdities of life?

Text 5: Tina: Just Me?

Text 6: Tina: …Awkward…

That in its self is pretty awesome. I managed to give Tina more opportunity to show how much cooler than she is than me.

The first text I sent was  in response to The Viking.

I bet they were impressed with your sexy beastness.

I hit send. My phone told me message was sent to Tina.  I immediately hit the red hang-up button and swore profusely then texted her explaining it was meant for him. Her response:

That was an epic mt. (mistell, it is gamer speak.)

Although, I have been wondering how people are responding to my sexy beastness for quite some time.



This is why her win cup is fuller than mine.


This is an example of the overly attached girlfriend meme. This is what I don’t want to be.





    • Tina davis on June 26, 2012 at 6:24 pm
    • Reply

    Lol it is chalk paint!

    • LaNell on June 27, 2012 at 12:42 pm
    • Reply

    LMAO…..OMG…. that is just too funny!!

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