Every Woman Deserves a Tiara

Or man, if he wants one.

There is a great scene in my favorite show Big Bang Theory where one of the male characters has been a total douche to his girlfriend and buys her a tiara to make it up. Go look up Amy Farrah Fowler tiara on Youtube. Normally, I would just embed it, but I am going to pretend that I am important enough to have to worry about copyright issues.  Just. Go. Do. It.

Did you do it? Good.

Beautiful tiara

This would be my tiara (some really neat pictures of old tiaras can be found here)

Here is what I think: every single person who wants a tiara should have one. We all deserve to have moments where we feel like the most special person in the room. Some days we have a hard time feeling like we matter at all. If having a tiara would help us get through those days, then I say we should rock our tiaras at work, in the Wal-Mart, or anywhere. Clean your kitchen and do your laundry in your tiara.

We find so many reasons to be outraged, sad, scared, worried, and overwhelmed. It is time we start channeling our happy. too. I find myself standing on a vortex of daily outrage of what is wrong with our world, and it would be so easy to get sucked in. We need to change what is wrong in the world. The fight is important. We also need to remember what is good in the world, and why we fight. We need at least one ridiculously silly thing that makes us purely happy.  We all need our tiara to remind us of our lighter sides.

Sure, people might stare, but you are the one in the tiara,  and therefore, you are the one who rocks.



    • Emily on August 11, 2012 at 9:12 pm
    • Reply

    I often would rock a tiara while cleaning the house…I haven’t done that in a while which may be the reason my house is a disaster zone.

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