Oh Hai There

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but I am a terrible person. I say this for several reasons like I don’t care much for cats (I think they plot how to kill you in the event that you stop being of use to them), I laugh at wildly inappropriate things, I don’t believe all kids are sweet and innocent and can just be assholes (normally the fault of the adults in their lives), I swear, and I am terrible at keeping in touch with people.  The last thing is the only one I feel really bad about and would like to fix. I won’t though and I know it.

I live in a world were it is so simple just to write an e-mail, text message, or make a phone call to all of the people I care about but I just don’t do it.  I will miss people or remember great times with someone and just not do things to reestablish connection with them. I am a terrible person. I only ever really call two people, my bff or my boyfriend, and I don’t e-mail anyone. The other day I got to thinking about a women that I became close to at work and I realized that I talked to her almost every day for a year and a half and I missed her horribly. I sent her a few text messages.  What the hell kind of person sends text messages when they miss someone?

To be honest, I don’t know how I would know what was going on with anyone without Facebook. I hate that I say that and it be so true. It is so impersonal and really isn’t a substitute for genuine contact but at least this way I know when major things happen to people I care about (well, aren’t so annoyed by that I wipe all record of their existence from my brain) like marriages and births.

I think most people feel like I do but they generally have good reasons for it. They have jobs, families, and/or lives. Everyone gets busy. I don’t really have this excuse. I do spend a lot of time working on my writing but I don’t have kids or a life really. I am just easily distracted.  I will think to myself that I need to call or write to someone then something shiny will flash and I forget all about it. Or I think about stuff at awkward times. For example, I always think about people at midnight when it isn’t safe to call (at least I can drop them a facebook message) or I always get the urge to call Tina while I am at the super wal-mart, which I refuse to do. (People on their cellphones are either always in someone’s way or sharing information that they shouldn’t be discussing in public.) I text her about whatever it is made me think of her and promise myself I will call her when I get home. When I am home, after everything is settled out, I almost always get distracted by something shiny.

So it boils down to this: just because you don’t hear from me doesn’t mean I don’t care, it just means that I am lazy and scatterbrained. You guys should all know this.



    • Amanda on February 25, 2011 at 8:23 pm
    • Reply

    HAHAHAHAHA, just before I read this post I left you a message on facebook about me reading your blog. Okay, now I’m just being annoying with the communication overload. You make some good points though and I think you are right on with the usefulness of facebook, hell, that’s how we reconnected! I don’t ever condemn people who don’t stay in touch because it is difficult too sometimes and I think people do the best they can when they want. Facebook has saved me though, it gives me a connection to the outside world as I am nestled away in the cabin writing my dissertation. Okay, this will be my last comment, I promise!

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