Wtf is a Ke$ha, a G6, and a Snookie?

I realize how terrible uncool I am. In some ways I am actually sort of proud of this. I turn the radio station to the pop music cool kids station and I am generally like “what the frel is this crap?.”

The only reason I have heard Katy Perry’s “Kissed a Girl” is because I was curious if it was a remake of the Jill Sobule’s classic that had Fabio in the video. I have yet to see the video for “California Girls” because the song is so insipid and inane that it makes me want to punch a puppy and the only reason I am aware of “Hot and Cold” or whatever it is is because she slutted it up with Elmo. I haven’t seen one of her actual music videos, though the idea of the pastry bra is mildly intriguing, but so far not enough to get me to be willing to youtube one of her videos .

All I know about Ke$ha is that she is dirty. My uninformed theory is that she is like the American Amy Winehouse without the talent. I think I might have accidentally heard one of her songs on the internet because it was in the background of a funny Star Trek video.

I am aware that there is a song about a G6. I think I have heard at least part of it because I can hear “Like a g6, like a g6′ going through my head when I think of it. I am not entirely sure if I have heard the entire song or if I made that shit up in my head. I did not even know what a G6 was until a facebook friend and my sister educated me that it is a jet.  I have no clue who performs the song, I am just aware of it’s existence.

Okay I know what a Snooki is, kind of. I am aware that she is on a show on the MTV called “Jersey Shore” but I have never seen said show. I know what most of the cast looks like and the general gist of the show because I surf the interwebz. I can pick Snooki out of a line up and I know that she looks like a trailer park trash beauty queen made sweet sweaty love to a oompa-loompa ala Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. I don’t think she is ugly by any means, just orange and over done. Still I have never seen the show.

So in other words pop culture flies by me.  Like I said, I am not too upset by this but it does interfere with relating to normal people sometimes.  I think maybe it would behoove me to start doing internet research on one pop culture reference that I simply do not get a week.  Maybe one week watch an episode of “Jersey Shore” then another week type in a music artist name into youtube and watch a few of their videos.  Honestly, the only way this will be funny is if I take requests and write on it.

I will make you guys a deal. Leave me suggestions either here or on my facebook page, my personal page or the website’s fan page,  and I will pick one a week and write about it on Monday which is normally one of the two days I don’t write. If I don’t get suggestions I might not do it, because lets face it, I am frightened by pop culture and I am lazy. I do enjoy mocking things though. Lets see what happens!



    • Renée on January 27, 2011 at 7:41 pm
    • Reply

    You should look into Rule 34. But I don’t think that’s pop culture. I’m kinda behind in my pop culture, too, so I’m no help.

    1. Rule 34 comes from a post someone put up about the rules of the internet. Rule 34 is that if it has been thought of then there is porn of it. Its not technically pop culture it is more internet culture which I am more up to speed with. GoGo Memes!

    • Amanda on February 25, 2011 at 8:54 pm
    • Reply

    I’m not much help either because I get my pop culture lessons from “Chelsea Lately” and “The Soup.” I watched half an episode of the jersey shore once and it was a trainwreck, although I could stop watching, and I did, but not without feeling like I lost minutes of my life.

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