
Maybe it is because it is so hot outside and neither my bedroom nor computer room have air conditioning. It might be because I am sleepy or because my computer chair is uncomfortable. It could be many things or just that I am getting old. I am noticing that I am getting more easily frustrated with media, society, and popular culture.

I am slowly turning into one of those cranky guys who sit outside and yell about those damned kids. I am becoming cantankerous at 29.

Yesterday I was forced to watched some network daytime talk television. Shows like “The Doctors” and some show with Sharon Osborn and a few other female hosts not the trash talk shows like “Maury Povich.” I grumbled about how mind numbing they were until “The Doctors” came on. This is a show of a panel of, you guessed it, doctors talking about various issues.  The doctors all look like they came off a shelf for Barbie and Ken’s friends. They did a “study” with twins testing to see if they were “dumber” after watching six hours of reality television. The methodology was total crap. They proved nothing and I swear some dumbass will use it as the holy truth like they did Oprah. Anyway, after the results the panelists and their guest, Lisa Bloom (yes the woman from my last blog), were talking to the twins. Ms. Bloom asked the girls if they could name all eleventy Kardashians and, of course, they could. Ms. Bloom then told them that the U.S is fighting in three different countries and asked them to name those three countries. The twins looked at each other in confusion and finally came up with Iraq. My brain almost exploded. When I saw the next segment was about how to wear high heels with less pain, I decided to read my book and not look up for any reason whatsoever to prevent me hopping up in the waiting room and yelling at the screen.

This morning I was listening to CNN while I was getting ready for my job interview because I like to know stuff. CNN is good at telling you stuff. This morning it was all about that schmuck Weiner and his sexting scandal. I understand a few minutes every hour about the married moron who sent dirty pictures of himself around the interwebz. I can even be down with reshowing the clip of him calling a CNN producer a jackass a few times. Almost the entire hour I listened to was devoted to talking about this stupidity. He is a dumb ass, we see that. Did he do anything illegal? No. Was it unethical along with the lying afterwards? Yes. Id there more important things going on? Yes, now please tell me about the three nuclear reactors in Japan that have either melted down or are melting down or are close to melting down. Damn you CNN and your silly short blurbs about important news.

I know. I am turning into a grumpy bee. Can you name the three countries we are currently fighting in?



    • Tina on June 7, 2011 at 4:59 pm
    • Reply

    africa, montana, and venus.

    • Renée on June 9, 2011 at 10:02 am
    • Reply

    Does refusal to watch real news due to happy avoidance of depression count as stupidity? I do still watch the Daily Show…does that count?

    • Amanda on June 29, 2011 at 11:10 pm
    • Reply

    First, I sarcastically mentioned the kardashians in my last comment before having read this one…great minds think alike in judgement:)

    Second: Cuba, the Soviet Union, and Laos

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