To My Best Friend on Her None-of-Your-Damn-Business-ith Birthday

(Writer’s note: Tina has a blog about being a mommy and on her blog she wrote a letter to both of her children for their birthdays. It gave me this idea. I am not making fun of her or mocking her, it is more like paying homage. Yes, I did say homage in my head with a bad fake pretentious British accent and now you will too.  Oh, and this blog will probably be sappy and weird. If you don’t like it go watch TV.)

I know today is not your birthday. Today is the day we are celebrating your birthday and it is also Tuesday, so close enough.   I remember the first day we met. It was my very first day of college classes ever and I had decided to talk to everyone and not be shy and you were in my Art Survey Class with Ryanne. I remember you were the strange woman wearing an Arlo Guthrie t-shirt, a bandana as a headband, and a broom stick skirt. I don’t know how I remember any of this. I just do.

We liked each other okay at first and we grew to be friends. I always admired you and tried to learn from you so I could figure out what kind of woman I wanted to be. All these years later it is still true. I still admire you, I still learn from you, and you still help me know what kind of woman I want to be when I grow up.

You are the most considerate, kindhearted person I know.  Your friendship has saved me more than once (my mom says so too.) I have been blessed to be a part of your life and to watch you how you handle everything. You are the epitome of “many whelps, HANDLE IT.” You are open with me and show me wonderful and terrifying glimpses into being a wife and a mother that make me see how truly wonderful life can be. You have shown me strength in pain and moving on from terrible things. You have also let me wallow and whine when I needed it and told me to put on my big girl panties and deal with it when I needed that too.

You support me and make me believe that I can be something great. You show me how beautiful I am when I need it the most. You put up with my whiny emo temperament like a champ. You are so damn smart. You are brave and you are a little scary when you are mad.

I am so lucky to have friendship like yours in a world that holds any close relationships outside of marriage and blood as suspect and unnecessary.  You brought me into your family and gave me another place to belong. (Which is a big deal to a girl who spent the first 17 years of her life never feeling like she had anywhere to belong.) You helped fill my life with love and family and organic banana baby cookies. I will never be able to say thank you enough.

Thank you for everything and for being you

I love you



    • Tina Davis on August 23, 2011 at 4:34 am
    • Reply

    people always underestimate the value of organic baby banana cookies. thank you for mentioning them.

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