Books of all Sorts.

I finished my rough draft of my book at 3:13am Monday.

I wrote a freaking book…. in two months

I slept all day Monday and came to Tina’s on Tuesday.  I missed her family and I needed to back in touch with reality. I WROTE A FUCKING BOOK. I forget that sometimes then when I remember, I get all awesome feeling again.

So I need to say again, I have amazing friends. Kathleen is an incredible writing partner and I owe so much to her. Tina supported me and listened to me babble about my book. Actually all of my friends rock. Thank you guys so much.

So I made a decision to buy a cookbook and start cooking more. I eat a lot of processed food and I had no idea how to cook much without using a lot of prepackaged food. I baked bread today. I managed not to screw it up. I had a blast making it and it tastes great. I might have a new hobby in baking. (I think I have Christmas present ideas.)

I miss writing. I have three more books in my head I need to write.

I am just so happy.

Yes, I drank the kool-aid.


Oh, a parting thought:

Samantha: What do unicorns eat?

Tina: Each other, that is why they are extinct.



    • LaNell on September 15, 2011 at 5:42 pm
    • Reply

    I am so, so excited for you and can not wait to read it. Yay!!!! You wrote a freaking book. 🙂

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