I’m A Sucker

Let’s get two things out of the way first:

1) I have the hormone demons really bad. I am prone to very strong emotions but for only about two minutes at a time. This is an exciting time to be around me.

2) SOPA could get voted on this week. It is a bill that would give congress the right to take down websites at the request at the request of corporations. They are selling it as protecting American jobs and American ideas through fighting piracy. I would rather have my creative property pirated than lose my freedom of speech. I am not down with the Orwellian idea of the world. Google it, get mad, and bitch. Channel your dirty hippie rage for the good of your country.

Okay, now to the real purpose of today’s blog:

Untitled from Justin Valmassoi on Vimeo.

This is the dude from the Animals Talking in All Caps site. If you are my Facebook friend, you know I do a little bit of e-stalkng on this guy and his eyebrows, and I even made a t-shirt. He is my blogging soulmate, much like the Bloggess (even though she has a lot of people who believe she is their blogging soulmate, her blogging soul gets around), and he is in love, and he needs your dollars.

I am a sucker for true love. I believe in it with all my heart. Like I said last post, I try to pretend I am a bit of a grump, but we all know I am a pansy ass. I saw this video the other day, and my heart melted for him and those glorious eyebrows.

Here is the rub:

I have no dollars to give the man. I am a broke ass writer that gave her dollars to other charities. I know that since I have no dollars I should be worried about getting me dollars and not random internet dude dollars, no matter how stupendous his eyebrows are. I’m happy and want for nothing, but he is madly in love. He needs dollars much more than I do. So I will make you cats a deal.

If you just go look at his site (both the talking animals and his author site) and decide whether or not this man deserves your dollars, I will do two things for you:

1) I promise not to bring up my hormones for one week.

2) I am about to start playing a new mmo and I know I will be tempted to blog about it. I promise, if you guys do this thing for me, I will start a tumbler gaming blog and link it here but never mention the game in more than just passing. In effect, I am promising never to bore you guys to death with my nerding out about Star Wars: The Old Republic.

I know some of you guys are thinking to yourself: Well, Selina, if you start rambling about that gorramn game I will just stop reading your blog. That is fine and dandy for you, you selfish prats, but there are people who are forced to read this blog by the mere misfortune of being my friend. They HAVE to read this blog because I am needy and if they don’t tell me how awesome I am, I am insufferably emo. Many of these people are teachers and/or parents, so there is a distinct possibility that they take the horrors of having to read my gaming rants out on the children. So, really, you are thinking about donating your dollars for both true love and the children.

To sum up: go read Animals Talking in all Caps and see how awesome this guy is. If you give him dollars (because you believe in true love and you care about children), I will both not bring up my crazy woman problems for a time span of one week AND I will make a separate gaming blog, thus protecting you from my rants. I would call this money well spent.

As I was writing this, some thoughts struck me. First, it is a strange thought that there are probably atleast three people who read this site that I don’t know and have never said anything to me. I am glad you are lurking out there sharing my world. It is just a strange thought. This lead me to realize that I do the same thing, to the point that I devote most of a blog to some guy’s quest to marry his girlfriend and I designed a t-shirt about his eyebrows, but I have never once commented on his site. I should go do that.

I also realized that I might have implied that Jenny Lawson’s blogging soul is a whore. I did not mean this in anyway. I just meant that many people out there feel connected to her and love her. If anything, it is our souls that are a bit whorish and desperate for connection that we read The Bloggess hoping that she notices us and thinks we are pretty. (It could be just me.) Please, Jenny, on the very slim chance you read this, understand it is me not you.



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  1. It’s fine. I’m a fan of whores.

  2. PS. I sent him $15. Because I’m a terrible whore. 🙂

    1. LOL It’s for true love! I might have watched “The Princess Bride” too many times in my formative years.

  3. and that’s why we all love the bloggess! you’re welcome.

    • kathleen on December 15, 2011 at 8:12 pm
    • Reply

    Lil you kill me… for the children’s!!!

    • Lynsie on December 17, 2011 at 10:20 am
    • Reply

    Man. Those are great eyebrows.

  1. […] SOPA and PIPA (a bill much like SOPA) are still in congress.  I’ve ranted and ranted and ranted about the many ways these bills can hurt […]

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