
So you cats dodged a bullet when The Bloggess continued to be awesome and donated dollars in the name of true love and the children and managed to make me feel pretty at the same time (I need a flipping life). She did this even those I kinda sorta called her a whore, but, in my defense, I did explain it was ME I was calling a whore. Whatever. So, as agreed, there will be no ranting about Star Wars: The Old Republic ever or discussion of my lady bits until next Thursday. I try to hold up my end of deals. You guys should really go tell her thank you.

I will make a separate gaming blog someday when I have something to say other than, “Holy fucking shit this game is awesome.” I will link it here and then we will never discuss it again. (Renee, this is mostly for you, because I love your preggo ass.)

So, SOPA is still being debated and discussed. I found a cool article on The Washington Post about it. Here is another link that makes protesting super simple. Throw a fit online. Get mad and get loud. New media can make a difference. Do it. I am going to keep writing about it until it is either defeated or I am made to stop. I love my country too much to see one of its most basic and cherished principles sold off to big companies. (Well, more than it has already been, but I am not getting into that.) /steps of soapbox

Hold up

/steps back on soapbox

It’s not that I don’t feel sympathy to artist who get their intellectual property stolen, I honestly do, but we have to question what we are willing to give up to protect our art. Sanctioning a censorship tool is the antithesis of a good idea for artists. I am not one of those purist who believe making money from your art is selling out or soiling the passionate intents of your work. Bollucks. If you can make money with your art, then you have found something that many of us dream about.I do believe, though, that a thriving and uncensored artistic community is essential for freedom, so handing over bits of that freedom in the pursuit of money is dangerous for our entire nation.

I put thought into how I would feel if someone took something of mine and claimed it as their own. Well, first, there are laws currently in place for that. They aren’t as convenient and being able to ask the government to shut down an entire site because they *might* steal your shit, but copyright laws do exist.  Well, okay, I would think this after my initial shock that anyone would want anything from my site.

I am a small fish, though. Small fish should sing the praises of the internet with every breath. The internet allows a vehicle to reach people like us, not only to find customers and fans, but to find people who do and love the things we do so we can learn from each other. I have the albums of four artists because I heard their music online. Three of those artists I would have never heard on an Oklahoma City radio station.

Ugh, too much rant and my brain overloaded. Okay, time to sum up:

  • SOPA Bad. Go fight and be an asshole until it goes away.
  • The internet good because it allows us access to each other
  • If you use stuff from someone else’s site and it isn’t naturally attributed to the original owner, don’t be a douche. Give credit and link. Shit slips through, I know, but try your best.

/steps off soap box for real this time




1 pings

    • Renée on December 18, 2011 at 3:17 pm
    • Reply

    I’m in total agreement! Also about the SOPA thing. 🙂 What, no rant about NDAA? Damn, I was getting excited!!

  1. […] and kittens, SOPA and PIPA (a bill much like SOPA) are still in congress.  I’ve ranted and ranted and ranted about the many ways these bills can hurt […]

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