I am Going to Break Things, but It Is for a Good Cause

So I had a funny blog planned out in my head. I am still going to write it, but I got caught up reading about the SOPA black out protest tomorrow. That’s right cats and kittens, SOPA and PIPA (a bill much like SOPA) are still in congress.  I’ve ranted and ranted and ranted about the many ways these bills can hurt America.

The White House came out against SOPA/PIPA, so it looks like we are gaining some ground, but I am still keeping an eye on the progress. Our government is bought and paid for, it is true. I makes me sad to say. It is the American people’s fault for letting it happen. I still have to believe we can get it back legally and peacefully, we just have to get mad. We have to care and vote and write. We need to blog and Tweet and Facebook and Tumblr. We need to get active again.

It is OUR government, and we seem to have forgotten that. Why is it uncool to think of our government working for us? Of the people for the people, remember?

Add your voice.

Dr. Gates made his Revolutionary America class read Capitalism and the New Social Order by Dr. Joyce Appleby, which is a fantastic book and changed the way I looked at our country, but the first sixty pages or so are about the importance of pamphlets in the American Revolution. At the time, I was bored to death, but, now as a creature of the internet, I get it. Pamphlets were the 18th century blogs and social media. They allowed for the cheap transmission of ideas among people. We have the much easy venue of the interwebz. Use it.

Tonight, I am going to spend time figuring out how to blackout my website to be a part of this protest. I know my part is small compared to Wikipedia, but I am still going to do it. I would ask all of my friends with a website to do the same. Only one hundred people might see my black out, if I am lucky, but I can at least said I tried to do my part.

I will also probably break my website, but it will be for a good cause.

Again I will link you to this great site that has great information and ideas to add your voice. Also, these folks.

Edit: I found that there are simple WordPress Plugins to censor my site tomorrow. I probably won’t break my site.



    • Kathleen on January 17, 2012 at 8:33 pm
    • Reply


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