Stuff and things

So I was going to write a really cool post today. I really was. Then I spent TWO FREAKING HOURS in wal-mart so I am reposting something I wrote for my guild’s forums last night.

So a lot of us have started running 84-85 dungeons and heroics and some of us has had our teeth kicked in a bit by the new game. That is what this is, a new game, so we all have to learn to adjust. The healers are having a hard time. Druids are having big issues. Priests are having big issues. Pallys are freaking fabulous.
We all need to learn how to play with these new circumstances. In Wrath, I could heal an entire heroic without ever drinking and I could even do damage while healing. Dps could stand in poison, fire, whirlwind, or anything else and we would be pretty much okay. Lifesaving cooldowns were for suckas. In Wrath if you attempted to crowd control, people laughed at you. Cataclysm changed this completely. The healers just do not have the capability to heal through everything anymore. This means other players have to start learning to take responsibility for their own health at times and use any abilities to either mitigate damage or crowd control. Also, if you can cleanse, decurse, remove magic or poison, or whatever, please do that for your healer. That mana adds up and its a HUGE help
A good example of what I am talking about is the first boss in H Shadowfang Keep, he has an ability that takes everyone to 1hp and every heal a healer has to throw on a dps is a heal that can’t go on the tank. Simple things like bandaging or using lifeblood if you are an herbalist helps. If your healer is a druid, using a damage mitigation ability so their hots have time to tick helps big time. This simple stuff can be the difference between a win and a wipe.
Now on the flip side all of us healers have to go out and do our homework. I learned in a glorious fashion that my old habits just didn’t work. I went and did some research on tree druiding at 85 and learned some pretty important stuff. My style and spec had to change. This research has not made me epic pally healer, I still think trees were nerfed a bit too much, but I noticed a huge difference in healing. I am more than willing to type up what I found and link it if there is interest. My point is, though, all of us have to go look. There might not be a lot out there but things like Elitist Jerks are helpful. Everyone, no matter the role, has to learn to be level 85.
One last thing to this wall of text and then I will stop. We need to realize right now that this content is new and we are all relearning our classes so we need to not be assholes to one another. Somethings are universal like standing in fire and might deserve a little scorn but somethings are people trying to learn their stuff. Have patience and keep your criticism constructive. Also, and I am guilty of this too, go look up strats.


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    • Threa on December 21, 2010 at 6:48 pm
    • Reply

    Very valid points and I have to agree with all of them. Pugging the 5 mans has been stressful because as a DPS, not only are the wait times long, but I often get grouped with people who have little patience. I hope this will change in time and that people will start shifting away from the facerolling that was WOTLK content and realize that people have to be patient and give them an opportunity to learn.

  1. […] blogger & guildy of mine ( recently posted to about healer awareness–basically, being aware that your healer might […]

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