In Praise of Professions Part II

So if you remember back to my lengthy ramble from Thursday there are still some professions to cover. First the last three crafting professions.

crayonInscription: Inscription uses “inks” made from ground up “flowers” to make items. One of the items they make are called glyphs. Players use glyphs to change their abilities and personalize their characters. Scribes also make something called scrolls which provide players with bonuses or “buffs.” Scribes can make cards that combine to make super cool stuff and other items. Inscription is a pretty cool profession but I try not to think about it too logically. I can’t fathom how one would use a scroll or glyph. Do you scratch it into your skin like some sort of messed up tattoo or is it a words to shape energy type of thing? I mean I get making pants. I guess I shouldn’t look too hard into the logistics of a world where I can turn into a tree.

dustEnchanting: Enchanters use materials they get from breaking up crap no one wants to bespell items to give them bonuses. It is expensive and a pain in the ass to level but it saves a whack ton of money and everyone will love you in groups when they get the crap that drops turned into materials to enchant the stuff they do want. Like inscription, I try not to put too much thought into how this actually works.  When I start to follow that rabbit down the hole I try to remember I play a character that can turn into a bird and it helps me suspend reality.

potion master

Alchemy: Alchemists turn flowers into magic potions that do stuff. Mostly these potions either heal, restore mana (magic energy), or buff a character.  Alchemists can also turn somethings into other things, which is sort of the definition of alchemists. So alchemists are kind of chemists and drug dealers at the same time. Everyone wants what they brew up.

Gathering professions are the second type of Primary professions and entails going out into the world (of warcraft) and gathering the crap you need for the crafting professions. I love gathering professions.

skinsSkinning: This should be pretty self explanatory. Skinners cut the skin off of dead animals so crafters (namely leatherworkers) can use them to make stuff. It is somewhat gruesome but most skinners I know feel like they are somehow cleaning up their messes. Once you have killed an animal, what is the big deal about taking its skin? Besides it makes the mob disappear therefore destroying all evidence of the murders.

Gold Bar

Mining: Miners fly around and find nodes of metal ore and gather them. They then turn these ores into bars. They also gather other things like gems from these nodes. Half of any realm is a miner so at any giving time there is eleventy billion jackwagons flying around and are willing to ruthlessly screw you out of a mining node. Because of the high population of miners , ore and bars don’t sell for much but it is more convenient to have one if you plan on leveling blacksmiting, engineering, or jewelcrafting.


Herbalism: Herbalists fly around and collect the various herbs of the world. Flower pickers are not quite as cutthroat as the miners but they can get quite nasty. Scribes and Alchemists use the flowers that herbalists pick.


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