Monday Night

It is Monday night. I am attempting to be responsible and write something tonight and set it up to publish tomorrow morning.  I have plans to head to the Tina’s tomorrow and I know I won’t get it done tomorrow. I know me. I have a slight problem. I have not a damn thing to write about. I have thought all day. I have nothing cohesive or cool so I am just going to do that thing where I write about about of disconnected stuff.

I realized that I am probably the weirdest person I know. (That is saying something considering Lynsie want to make taxidermy creations from dead mice.) I realized this while I was eating a bowl of fruit loops.  I know it is odd enough that a 29 year old would eat fruit loops but I like eating them for an odd reason. The taste is good but I like to eat them because I like sorting out each spoonful by color. I eat my fruit loops color coded. Of course I only do this for the first half a bowl because by the second half the colors take too long to sort out and the cereal is verging on crumbly moosh.

Also, apparently I talk and write funny. I am getting blame for my best friend’s three year-old saying “nonsense.” I can’t really deny it is my fault. Most likely it is my fault. I also taught her to call a tambourine a dirty hippie. I am the most awesome Tia ever.

My nephew’s 8th birthday is today. My sister and her family are in Turks and Caicos for the week. I think it is fantastic. I might also be a bit /jealous. My sister works really hard for everything her family has and I am proud and happy that they are able to provide their kids with so much.

I went by the library today to turn in some books that I had checked out but never read. I love the books but I just wasn’t feeling it this time. I got some other books that are lighter fun books. I also found out that I am even less capable of carrying on a conversation right now. I have always been a bit harebrained. Sometimes I would catch myself dazing off when talking to people or I would think ahead in the conversation and jump there  without bringing the other person with me. I also was famous for starting a conversation in the middle because I had been thinking about something then made a comment without cluing in the other person. Today I was literally trying to have a coherent conversation and I kept thinking about some stuff I am writing and mess up the thread of conversation.  Really, like I need something else harming my ability to be around normal people.

Good news is the writing is working crazy well. Kathleen and I spend hours every day writing. We are writing separate things but we are hanging out in a chat program to talk to each other and be responsible to each other for actually writing. My pre-writing is smashing a long awesome sauce. Things got so much easier when I decided to just write something fun. I decided that I was okay with not having a super awesome plot and just trying really hard to write a funny book with good characters.  Actually, right now I would just be pleased to get a book written all the way through the first draft. I feel like that would be a major accomplishment.  World changing literature can come later.  No sparkling vampires… I promise.

Ramble accomplished. Time to go do some more summary outline writing….. woo woo




    • Lynsie on July 19, 2011 at 9:46 am
    • Reply

    I eat lucky charms for the same reason. I fish out all the cereal, then eat the marshmallows by shape.

    I am also jealous….Turks and Caicos? I want to go to there.

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