What The Hell Guys?!?

It is like you guys are trying to make me have a real life.

I know I said I was going to write about the rest of my crazy weekend I will, but today this is what I want to write about.

So yesterday I didn’t put on pants until after 1 pm. I sent Tina a text basically saying “Screw being a rock star or movie star, it is after noon and I still don’t have pants on. It is the writers life for me.”

/Shake fist I kind of shot myself in my foot with that one. I realized you folks are trying to make me have a real life outside of my computer.

This is the first time in awhile that I have been anything near busy with social things. My first two weeks in May are mostly booked. I have a baby shower in the middle of May. Somewhere in May baby number two is due. June has a wedding and another baby shower. July has babies and other things. If I am really really lucky I will be having dates in this, too.

The recluse is going to have a social life. It is pretty awesome.

Now, I know some of you cats, have real, actual lives and do many real, actual things. I don’t. My days are filled with everyday tasks and thinking.  Some days, if I am lucky and the other shit doesn’t get in the way, I fill my days with everyday tasks, thinking and writing. It is the first time in awhile that I feel the need to make a calendar and filling it with actual events instead of just personal goals that I rarely met and mostly felt like a slacker.

The writing has been… sticky. There has just been so much going on. I sit to write and there are forty five other things going on in my head. I realized last night that I am trying to push through on a project because I am nearing the end, but I have something else in my head that is bouncing around. I think tonight I am going to sit and write it even though I might never show it to anyone.  Sometimes you have to write what is in your head not what you should be writing. I think it is a distinct possibility that I am stubborn, and sometimes my stubbornness gets me in trouble. Maybe.

Okay, cats, I have a billion other everyday things to do, which might include a blissful nap. There was no actual point to today’s blog, but I know if I attempted to write anything else it would come out forced and awkward. This is awkward but it is honest and awkward.



    • Lynsie on April 19, 2012 at 9:52 pm
    • Reply

    YAY! 😀

    • Amy (T) on April 20, 2012 at 3:15 am
    • Reply

    You’re having baby #2 in may?!

    1. Lol My second preggo friend is having her kid in May. I have ya’ll breeders lined up by number. My sister was number 1, now we are on to number 2.

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