All Quiet

Tonight was my night with the second love of my life (my first love was, and always will be, Tom Selleck) Tina’s son. I’m babysitting in other words. I love my babies. I am a fantastic Tia, but I can never be as good as their moms.

Right now Caius is in a stained up wife beater and pajama bottoms that are about three inches too short for him, but he is fed, mostly clean, and asleep. We read some books, I put him in his crib, he screamed for awhile, and then silence. He could have escaped out the window for all I know. I never went to check in on him. If you see a tiny escapee red neck baby, he belongs to me.

I had about ten minutes of quiet. I almost never get ten full minutes of quiet. The baby was asleep, Tina and Sam were off gallivanting, and the television was off. At my house, the television never goes off, and it is always on full blast. Glorious quiet.

Now, that Tina and Sam are back, I am going back to circling into their whirly world. Their whirly world exhausts me because they wake up so early and play so hard, but somewhere in all of that crazy I find bits of me that I lose sometimes.

It is totally worth being worn out until sometime next week.


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