I had decided that I wasn’t going to write about writing with this spurt of writing induced mania. Yeah, like that was going to happen.
There are many writers out there that can write things they aren’t interested because it would sell. I forget all of the time that I am not one of those writers. I come up with ideas for ‘quick’ writes that would be sellable. I convince myself I can write them, even if I hate it, because it is the logical thing to do. Every single time I try to do the ‘logical’ thing with my writing, I fail miserably. By Sunday I will have completed the second draft of my novella. It will have taken only a week because I loved what I was writing.
I have tremendous guilt that I haven’t finished the rewrite on my first book. I felt like it was another case of me starting something and not finishing. I feel like I never finish anything I start. I’m starting to realize that’s just not true. I would finish my first book if I felt any passion for it. I know, I know, real grown ass women have to finish things they have no passion for all of the time. I realize at a “real job” I couldn’t tell my boss I didn’t write a report because I wasn’t “feeling it.”
It is so true. I also happen to know that people who work jobs they aren’t passionate about skate by quite a bit. They do their jobs and write their reports, but they don’t pour themselves into their jobs. I can’t skate by when I write. You guys have read my crap blogsĀ (like Tuesday’s entry) when I forced myself to produce something. It takes me twice as long for a quarter of the quality. So, my ‘quick writes’ to produce money end up being a waste of time that would be better spent on something I actually care about.
None of that is new. I’ve went through it before. I always seem to forget. Damn it.
I have also learned that my writing process, or pre-writing ritual, has changed. I thought I should share.
Sit at my computer, realize I forgot my coffee or tea, get back up
Sit back down, turn on Spotify, check both of my e-mails
Look at the news, start to get pissed off at the news, decide I shouldn’t read the news
Check Facebook
Check my e-mails
Play a game of mahjong
Look at the scene I am rewriting
Play another game of mahjong
Decide to take a nap
Lay in bed thinking about the scene I am about to start and realize I’m not going to nap and get up
Look at the scene again
Play another game of mahjong
Start writing
This happens everyday before I start working on my novella for the first time that day. If the ritual is broken at any stage, I am forced to start over. I can take breaks without having to repeat all of it, but any breaks over two hours require at least partial repetition of the ritual.
I could try to fight it but I’m learning it is pretty pointless.
I have some mahjong to play now.
Geeks a Geeking