Coffee Good

Okay, this just happened:

Tina: Caius, who loves you most?

Caius (her two year old son): Corndog

Tina: No

Caius: Corndog

Tina: You say “Mommy.”

Caius: Grandma

A few minutes later

Tina: Can I just love you and squeeze you forever?

Caius: Chicken Butt


I fell asleep at 10:30pm last night. I haven’t fallen asleep that early in ages. I woke up at 7:30am. By 1pm, I was angry zombie Selina. Normally, I’m okay with being angry zombie Selina, except I was around people I love including two small children. I am pretty sure I didn’t roar at anyone, but I do send out eye bullets full of hate without knowing it.

I have to make it as a writer since it is the only thing I can think of that would allow me not to hate the early life.

To be completely honest, I have nothing other than cute things kids say and not being able to function like a normal people. I am about to break through the wall and be better suited to their schedule. Tuesday I will write more interesting things… possibly.



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