All The Best Kinds

weinie dog wrapped up for a bed time story

This is disgustingly cute. This is pretty much how I feel right now: disgustingly cute and happy.

So, I have absolutely nothing profound for you right now. I just thought I would write something since I have been an atrociously bad blogger this month.

I had an awesome redneck date with the Viking today. I always know I’m lucky to have him, but then I think of how well he treats me, and I feel even more lucky.

Having someone finally treat you like you deserve, like you are a wonderful, beautiful, smart, sexy, woman after a lifetime of feeling somehow unworthy can change your world. No matter what happens between me and him, my life is already better because of him because I know what I deserve now and will never take anything less.

He cares that I’m happy. It seems like a small basic thing, but I’ve never had it before, and it is wonderful. I know things won’t always be this rosy and happy. I know there will be hard times, but I don’t fear them with him. He is all the best kinds of man. I’m never ever settling for anything less.

Okay, okay, I know I’m gross, and I’ll stop now.


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