The Pat Down

Three major things before I move on: I want some sweet iced tea, I’m excited to be writing, and I need a nap.

I cheated a little bit and had some Cadbury mini-eggs. I want sweet tea, even if it is Splenda sweetened sweet tea. I think I might steal some from a child if I saw one with a big glass of it. This too will pass. ARRRGGGGHH

Okay, so we all know I wrote a short story that turned into a novella and is now turning into a book. Like most things in my life, I start with a plan and stuff takes a life of its own. I think it is important to keep trying to move forward in life and not to let life get out of your control, but sometimes you just have to let things unfold how they unfold. I’m less like a car driver on the highway and more like steering a sailboat down a river. This is how a lot of really good things in my life have happened.

I haven’t written a lot of words in the past few days, but I’ve done a lot of thinking and figuring out. Sometimes stories are like slider puzzles, you gotta shift around the pieces until they click. I got them clicked now time for the work. I was looking forward to going to Tina’s foe a few days this week, but I feel like I need to stay here.

As soon as I get done writing this I am going to curl up in my bed and take a pre-work nap. I still work best between 10pm and 6am, but I find it necessary to wake up before 11am. My family still needs a lot of help. I’m tired, want sweet tea, and I’m cranky, but I’m getting things done.

I know I’m not the only woman who does this:

Most of the time I don’t wear clothes with pockets, so my cell phone lives in my bra. Sometimes my lip balm joins it. It’s just convenient. I just always feel funny when I try to find my phone and I pat my boobs down trying to find it. At least I’m seeing some action that day. It is also very strange when you get the phantom text message vibrations. I poke my boob way more than normal people. The best is when I forget that I’ve squirreled it safely in my bra, go out into public, and get a phone call. I get the best strange looks.





    • Lynsie on March 8, 2013 at 3:06 pm
    • Reply

    When I go out, the wallet goes in one side, the phone in the other. Also at work when I need to thaw something quickly, I stick it in my bra. Which was not so good the other day when I did it with PCR dye and noticed when getting into the shower that the whole right side of my boob was dyed blue.

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