A Place For Everything and Everything in It’s Place

My mascot and and example of the crap that adds to my brain clutter

Over my nearly three decades on the planet earth I have come to accept things about myself. I am awkwardly loud, I will always be very noticeable, I should never wear heels, and I am just not an organized person.

I have a deep burning desire to be an organized person. I enjoy organizing things and when I am stressed out I rearrange things. When I am on the verge of a total meltdown I make list and the more lists I make, the more gonzo I am about to go. I really love the idea of being an organized person, in theory at least.  I simply don’t have the attention to detail. Small things elude me, thus my constant comma mistakes, and my organizational systems slip all to hell.

Now, because I am me, there are things that I am super neurotic about. I have a system for my drinking glasses and coffee cups.  There is a certain way they fit into the cabinet best and they need to go in there that way. If someone else puts them away and they don’t follow the pattern, I will go behind them and rearrange the cabinet.   The other cabinets can be a total crazy mess but that one shelf needs to be a certain way.

Another thing I am really crazy about is my computer desk top. I have certain icons certain places. The icons I use the most are in the middle of my screen. Pictures that I have found but haven’t submitted are in the lower left corner. Pictures that I have submitted but  haven’t been either scheduled or trashed are at the top of my screen. Its the way I do things. If I were an organized person I would have folders on my desk top labels something like “Potiental Posts” and “Pending Posts” but I am not actually organized, just insane.

I would say that in this new year I would start trying to be more organized. I could say I will hang up all of my clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer or clean out my car once a week. I should say once a month I would go through all of my cabinets and rearrange everything and that I will go through my house and get rid of everything I never use. I have looked at all of my stuff and planned how I would organize everything or thought about the best way to make sure there isn’t the pile up I get. I know what I should do, just like I know I should stop drinking soda and I should walk 15 miles a day, but I know I won’t.  I’m just not that person. I think I just function better in a certain level of chaos, or I tell myself that.

What is really funny is that both my best friend and my boyfriend are extremely organized functional human beings. Everything really does have a place in their lives. I am in constant awe of how methodical they are about things. I am always in constant awe that somehow they manage to keep me in their lives. I think it is deeply repressed masochistic tendencies on their part. Another theory: God has a really twisted sense of humor and things that every organized, methodical person needs a tornado like me. My purp0se in life is to thwart any one’s attempts at order. Does it count that I don’t mean to be a pain in the ass?



    • Amanda on February 25, 2011 at 8:34 pm
    • Reply

    Sometimes I get really ocd and organize the shit out of things after several glasses of vino or a good bowl. And then I wake up and wonder, how did the dishes get washed or who vacuumed the floor?!

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