WTB Productivity

I am going to let you in on a little secret…. I lack focus and I am not always as productive as I wish I was.

Shocking right?

So today my resolution is to be more productive. I want to explain something early on in this post: it is now 4:30pm and I normally try to have my posts written and posted by noon. I am currently in an internet chat program with my boyfriend and one of our friends and I have World of Warcraft minimized. Now I know I should be in a quiet room with no distractions. I also know this will never work because I get even more distracted when I only have one thing going on. I know I would have never gotten through my college grammar class without the all night diner with drunks and crazy crack coffee. I would sit at my booth with my ruler and grammar book and diagram sentences while takes frequent breaks to stare at the drunks be drunk. I would try and do my homework in a quiet room and I would end up watching T.V or getting on the internet.  I figure now that often quick zone out breaks are far better than long breaks that keep me from ever getting something done.  Its sad that I am so sadly aware of my own limitations I am.

So I should play less WoW, surf the net less, and other slovenly things to do more things like clean or write or save the world.

Part of my reason for playing WoW has a lot to do with a tall, handsome, hunk of dork and so I don’t regret playing so much.  I also see no problem with playing instead of sitting in front of the T.V. People get so self righteous over people playing video games after work when they just watch sit down on their couch and watch whatever reality t.v monstrosity is currently the cool thing to watch.  I am sorry that I play a computer game instead of watching “Dancing with Convicted Felons” or “One Man in a House Full of Slutty Chicks.” Somehow I will have to live with myself.

So if my problem isn’t that I play WoW, what exactly am I griping about? That I hang out in WoW even when I am bored and even when I know I should be doing other things that will help my future.  I need to go back to the model I was working with a few weeks ago where I only logged on when I had everything done. I don’t even think my problem is with WoW I think my problem is with my hunk of dork. I want to spend time with him. God I am such a girl.

So here is the plan: no getting onto the computer until I have my errands, housework, other business, etc. done for the day. There will be no logging on to WoW until that days blog post is done.  Maybe I can do that?


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