Oh Thank God it is March

Welcome the fifth month of my crazy experiment. I, for one, am glad that it is no longer February. My visitors dropped in February but I think it is because I finally split up my two blogs and so the traffic has to adjust and I don’t see many people accidentally finding my blog while searching for wal-mart.  I will not let this set back harm my enthusiasm! I will continue to blog! I will continue to have themes! I will continue to over use exclamation marks to prove that I don’t need outside approval! (Really, I am quite needy and do require outside approval not matter how much I try to cover it with punctuation bravado.)

Anyway, March is book month. I have been threatening to have a book month for ages now. Well, I am making good on my threat. Like I said Saturday, later this month I am flying half way across the country to spend a few days with my boyfriend and I am fully expecting to be a total wreck at any moment. I do see the humor in planning for one’s insanity but I think it is Tina wearing off on me.

I pick books for an insanity month because I love them and it will be second nature to write five hundred words about one of my great loves.  When I was little my mom would always fall asleep if she tried to read to us so she would sit in bed with my sister and I and have us “read” to her. We would make up stories to go along with the pictures. I loved it. She never made us feel like we had to get it right and go along with the story, she just let us create our own little worlds to go along with the pictures on the pages. I am sure this is a big reason I have loved telling stories my entire life. I also think this is why I tried to convince my grandmother’s neighbor that we had a house trained horse when I was six. It used the litter box and everything.

I actually remember one of the first books I ever read. It was this big purple book with a tree on the front. It had many different stories in it that got more difficult. The first story was about a monkey in a tree and the second story was about a lion who let birds take hair from his mane until he was bald. I was so proud of myself. I also remember that my sister would help me read it because it was her book before it was mine. She helped me learn to read and to drive. Big sisters definitely have good points.

So, anyway, books this month. I should come up with a plan on how I want to handle this. I should decide to write about a book, author, series, or genre for each blog but I am not going to. I am going to wing it. That us the great thing about calling it an experiment and not producing the blog for someone, I can do what I want and if it doesn’t work, do something else as long as it stays on theme.


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