Yes, I Know It Is Not Saturday

And, yes, I am aware that is improper capitalization for that title. My give a crap broke, so shoot me.

Okay, funny things time.

So, Thursday I got dive bombed in the face several times by a butterfly. I told you guys all about that. Friday, I had errands to run. I stepped out onto my front porch and there was a butterfly and he immediately flew over and landed on my leg and stayed there until I got to my car. I walked really funny not to squish him on accident. I am being stalked by butterflies.

(Side story that is not funny but pretty cool and relates to butterflies: After my dad’s father died my dad was really upset so he went for a walk and sat down in a field of flowers. He sat in the field and cried and thought and mourned. After about an hour and a half he started to feel more at peace and he stood up. When he stood up all of the flowers in the field took flight and swirled around him for a second then flew off.  This is why in my family butterflies represent my grandfather and peace. I see them at odd times when I need to be reassured that things will be okay or that I am on the right path. Being stalked by butterflies right now is a good thing.)

Hormones make me crazy. I missed Tina’s daughter’s birthday party yesterday even though I really wanted to go. I just really couldn’t. I knew this Friday night and I had dreams that she was so mad at me she moved her family to Baton Rouge without telling me. Also, in the dream my family and I lived on a tropical island. I walked out to talk to my mom about being upset that Tina left and I found my mom in a shed making paddles out of found objects because there was a flood coming. All of the paddles had Styrofoam of some sort in them leading me to believe I can blame Modern Marvel’s episode on Styrofoam. This was the more normal dream of my sets of dreams.

My friend Amy Trachte Moore introduced me to one of my new favorite things in the world. I want to be this woman when I grow up. The Bloggess is flipping awesome. She is like me but only funnier and far more cool. I should be envious of her but mostly I want to be her or have coffee with her.  Seriously awesome woman. I laughed so hard I snorted.

So I started a website, Facebook page, and Twitter account for my pen name. It makes me feel completely insane to create this entire other person. Seriously insane. I have decide to roll with it and enjoy the crazy.  I am using the site to blog about the process of writing my book so if the book ever does get published I will have a “web presence.”  I need to do a photo shoot with Tina as Charly Sinclair, my alter ego, which the idea amuses me. How does one take pictures as an alter ego? Maybe I should look for a funky wig or hat or something.  (BTW, I know the website is kind of lame. I am still writing this blog, a book, AND that site. I put that as the last priority seeing how she doesn’t exist.)

Good news is Tina promised me that if she moves it will be north and that she will tell me if she moves. I am so glad she is so patient with my crazy.



    • Lynsie on July 31, 2011 at 1:53 pm
    • Reply

    Did you know that Nora Roberts has a mystery writing alter ego JD Robb? Seriously, look up pictures of them, it is hilarious. Whatever you do, don’t just have your alter ego wear a big black coat and look serious.

    • Lynsie on July 31, 2011 at 1:54 pm
    • Reply

    Actually, here you go:

    1. LoL oh god no. I can’t take it that seriously. Like ever. Also, big black coats add bulk on me.

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