Sno Cones and Ice Packs (Contains Profuse Swearing)

fuuuuuuck it is hot.

I know, I know, I gripe about it all of the time this summer. I know I will bitch about the cold too. I know a lot of people are pissed because of people like me who are always bitching about the weather.

I have one question for those people: Do you have air conditioner in both your work place and in your bed room? If you do, stfu and let the people like me bitch. I spend the vast majority of my time in my room either trying to sleep or writing the various projects I have going. I do this with a damned box fan. Let me tell you, a box fan when it is 112 outside just isn’t enough.  Saturday I should be installing an air conditioner. I predict a happier, more productive Selina.

I feel like just typing swear words in a massive string with no spaces or punctuation. I generally try to be either be thoughtfully rantful or upbeat when I write. I am trying to channel that right now. I promise.

People talk about living in another period of history with a wistful gleam in their eye. It is dumb. If you are a woman you seriously don’t want to live at any time in history before now. Life sucked to be you, don’t do it. I can accept women wanting to go back and be part of the woman’s right movement or even maybe the suffrage movement.Women who want to live any earlier than that are fucking nuts. It is more than just life was hard without modern convenience, women’s lives sucked. We were property to be brokered between our fathers and husbands and if we were poor, life was even worse. Oh, and, we were the root of all evil.

Okay that little rant did actually come from somewhere. I always think about how hard life had to been in the pioneer days in Oklahoma. I couldn’t imagine battling the Oklahoma weather without electricity. I have decided that I never want to live without wi-fi and indoor plumbing. I am not a roughing it for more than a quaint weekend sort of girl. People have told me that I would have never made it during the pioneer days. No shit. First off, I was born with a few deformities in my feet and ankles (read: extra bones, mutant girl) and I would have been completely crippled by the age of 15. Thanks for playing. BUT, even taking the mutations out of the equations, chances are pretty good I wouldn’t have made it with diseases, accidents, terrible medicine, lack of science, and angry bears. Throw on top of the angry bears, I would be expected to pop out babies like a machine and chances are good I would be dead soon. AND, I would still be cussing my head off about the heat.

My great grandmother on my dad’s side had some crazy amount of kids, like 22 with 15 that made it to adulthood. I like my time in history thankyouverymuch.

Especially after Saturday when I hope to get delicious delicious air conditioning



    • Kathleen on August 2, 2011 at 7:50 pm
    • Reply

    LOL! You are so funny. It is kind of a morbid game but “You would be dead” is also morbidly funny. For instance terrible infection, illness with fever, so on and so forth. It is possible I would have died before age 11 due to strep and a difficult to control fever.

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