So Then I Said…

So sometimes when I try to think of something interesting, creative, and/or profound to say my brain halts. Alternately, sometimes when I have been focusing really hard on something for a long time my brain halts. Sometimes someone really not interesting is talking to me or someone whom is normally interesting but I am sick, tired, and/or nearly brain dead is talking to me, my bran halts. Now it doesn’t go lack or stop all together but it goes back to a repetitious thought, image, or scene that I think of as my brain’s screensaver. My brain’s screen saver changes from time to time and I have no real choice in what it is. Right now it is the voice of the professor from “Futurama” saying “Good news everyone, I (something relevant to the situation at hand).”

I nearly started today’s blog with “Good news everyone, it is Tuesday and I have to write a blog.” I felt that would be a bit random so I decided to explain why it would have started like that. In the process of explaining my brain’s screensaver I think I might have accidentally shown you guys a corner of my psyche I probably should have kept to myself.  It isn’t like you guys didn’t know that I am strange but sometimes I like to pretend that you don’t know just how strange I truly am.  My brain’s other screensaver right now is Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance.” Who am I kidding, most of you cats who read this have known me for years and have had conversations with me when I was exceedingly sleepy/drunk/hyper/or sick and therefore was unable to maintain my shiny veneer of being at least remotely human. My true friends are people who have seen me after I haven’t slept in 48 hours and I have ingested ungodly amounts of sugar and caffeine just to keep mobile and love me anyway.  Or those who have heard my many plots to take over the world and still hang out with me.  Sometimes when I am bored, for sport, I come up with ways to take over the world. It is just for those times when I am sick of having imaginary conversations with the people around me.

I got back to writing last night after two weeks of either being sick or in a strange short funk.  Honestly, I didn’t want to hang out with my characters for a few days. I think about people talking about characters being like writer’s children and every mommy I know has days where they want nothing to do with their kids. So, I consider those two days that I did not want to write my characters as like sending your kids to grandma’s house for the weekend. Last night it was really nice to get back in there again and like them all again. Maybe I shouldn’t fight the urge to duct tape their mouths and shove them in a closet.  I am learning this writing process thing as I go along. It’s an adventure!


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