Spam, Little Dood, and Screw Drivers

So, today was going to be about writing, until something decided to install updates and I had to restart my computer. I used that time to decide that I should probably write about writing my book on my pen name’s website.

Instead you guys get pictures and a ramble! YaY for you!

I think I am the only blogger on Earth that reads their spam comments. Sometimes I find them entertaining. Sometimes I find them entertaining enough to even approve. It helps if they have names like penis enlargement or gun safety because I enjoy seeing those on my comments widget on my sidebar.  Gun safety told me I need to add more keywords in my blog titles, which is probably true, then told me they didn’t want to be an ass. I don’t know why, but I love it.

I did this strange time warp thing where I didn’t sleep again Sunday night. I took a short nap then kept writing. I went to bed last night really early and woke up many many hours later. One of three things is happening here: I hadn’t had iced tea in three days then drank it all day Sunday and the added caffeine kept me up, I am evolving into a new subspecies of humans that defy normal sleeping habits and run on a different biological clock, or my brain is just freaking out until I get this book finished. Come to think of it, it could be all three.

So I have two main distractions at my desk when I write, aside from the unholy interwebz, a tiny screwdriver that came with my external hard drive and a little jelly plastic monster dood. I took pictures!

I randomly come up with ideas for my zazzle shop. I need to start making images to put on things but I don’t really do images. (Yes, I know I just posted pictures but those won’t look good on a t-shirt. Holy shit I need a better camera.) I will think of something. I also need to start writing them down when I come up with them instead of hoping they stay in my head for when I sit down later to make them. I should know by now stuff doesn’t always stick in my head. (I will always remember that the Norman Invasion of England was in 1066 thanks to Dr. Hayden.) I am also trying to come up with a New Feminism T-shirt since I am on that path now. Maybe when I get my brain back. If I ever get my brain back.
Yep that is about of the it of my ramble. Have fun cats.




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