So this is the third time I have tried to write this blog. The first time it was utter crap. The second time I tried to write this the document gods ate it. Let us hope the third time is a charm.
The title has nothing to do with anything except that I made some tasty, tasty French onion soup.
So I did something earlier today that was probably dumb. I looked up literary agents. There are about 17 gazillion of them. I found a professional association of agents and thought that would be a decent place to start. It seems like a big, scary process. I am letting myself get freaked out about finding an agent before I even have the book ready for my poor beta readers. I should not borrow trouble, and I should take the wise words of Douglas Adams to heart.
My second version was much longer but, honestly, I am sick of writing this stupid blog.
Geeks a Geeking