
… I have none.
I think all that self righteous yesterday wore me smooth out. (Yes, I know that sentence was grammatically in correct, assholes.)

Watching the energy and passion yesterday was truly inspiring and made me very proud. I did my tiny bit. I am not going to make this another SOPA/PIPA blog, though, you guys know about it, and anything more right now will be preaching to the choir. I am going to keep up with the news however I can get it since major news sources won’t run much because of corporate greed. (I almost typed that with a straight face.) I might make Wednesday my “Call my senators and bug the living shit out of them about SOPA” day.

So, I made the random decision to eat better and work out. The first several days really sucked. I was going through crazy withdrawals. I knew logically that people like me have addictions to food. I knew that I had the same physical reactions to food that I used to have with cigarettes. I just didn’t know it until I decided to fix my eating, then, oh did I know it. I spent a night having a long conversation in my head with myself about it. Something about realizing it was an addiction made it a lot less scary.

Quitting smoking SUCKED. It was god awful and painful and difficult. Until last March, it was the hardest thing I had done. I got over my addiction, though, and when I was talking to myself the other night, I realized I have dealt with addiction and I can handle it. It might suck, I might fall back, but I can still deal with it. Plus, I am having fun trying new foods in new combinations. Losing three pounds doesn’t hurt either.

Now, if I could put some of motivation and liquid awesome into rewriting the next section of my book, I would be awesome.

I might go play with wookie and try to work up motivation to write. I see it working out well.



    • Lynsie on January 19, 2012 at 10:38 pm
    • Reply

    My food intolerances are also food addictions. So, once I fall off track, it is insanely hard to get back on because I need a few days where I can have a migraine and sleep a lot. It sucks, especially since the number one thing I have such an addiction to is the allium family, and when was the last time you ate a meal that didn’t include onions or garlic? So, I feel your pain, and may we both get past our withdrawal symptoms!

    1. I can’t imagine trying to function food wise without garlic and onions. I will eat roasted garlic by itself.

  1. You should check out a book called Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It by Gary Taubes. He goes into a lot of the science behind why we actually gain weight, and why there is a lot more to it than just eating less. Great read.

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