Tia is Nervous About Jello?

Part 1 of The Craziest Weekend of Awesome

Okay, so I know I missed writing last Tuesday and again on Saturday. It was a crazy weekend. It was crazy enough that it might take several blogs to sort through it all.

I am kind of unsure were to start and chronologically doesn’t make much sense, so I am starting with the one that has my mind the most fuzzled and going from there.

godzilla dry humping

Not an actual picture of me on before the date. It just seemed like it.

I had my first first date in over two years on Friday.

I had spent a lot of time talking to the guy. I knew before hand that he was smart, funny, kind, sexy, and all together wonderful. He also reads this, so he knows I am insane and is totally cool with it. In other words, I needed to impress this guy.

I ended up heading to Tina’s Thursday night. I spent Friday letting her kids distract me with things like when her 18 month old got his head trapped in a picnic chair, and we filmed it and made jokes about it for 6 minutes before I finally got him unstuck.

I also spent the day getting ready. Something I think men have no idea about is what goes into getting ready for a first date when you have been out of the game for as long as I have. Thursday night, Tina had me put something called a hair mask on my hair, then Friday I washed it out and washed my hair with some super special shampoo. I then scrubbed, polished, buffed, and shaved various parts of my body. Bear in mind, I was going to wear jeans and closed toe shoes, so most of these prepped parts were never going to be seen. I did it anyway. I think it was an attempt to build some mojo. I also attempted something called a skin care regime. All I know is that it involved 5 different potions, and some of them made me shiny.

I spent a whole five minutes on styling my hair and about 10 on my make-up. (I had even plucked my eyebrows earlier in the week. You can’t even see my eyebrows.) I happened to do it a little early and did something that made me start to melt off. I went out on to the front porch to cool off, and when I came back in Tina told me her daughter wondered what I was doing, and when told I was nervous and taking a breather, she responded, “Why is Tia nervous about jello?”

Oh, yeah, and did I mention it was also Friday the 13th and there were tornadoes? For some people this might be consider a sketchy omen, but I saw it as good luck, like the earthquakes on my birthday.

I finally get to the date after storms, nerves, and a really funny text conversation. The guy is incredible. He is everything I thought he was before we met, but, of course, I am a total spazz. I order this sandwich for dinner that almost defeats me. It was tasty, but I was too nervous to eat it with any grace. I end up doing that super twit thing where I pick at my food. I was nervous. I couldn’t help it. He ordered cheesecake for us to share. He doesn’t make fun of me for pushing around my food like a twit. He acts amazing. He also has superb taste in cheesecake.

The restaurant took a turn for the douche, so we talked on a bench outside. He got me talking, and soon my nervousness evaporated. He listened to me go off on my tangents and made insightful, intelligent comments. When he would talk, it was all fascinating, interesting stuff. We ended up at the IHOP and talked for more hours.

After a ten hour first date, I learned that he really is funny, smart, kind, ambitious, and incredible. He tells amazing funny stories, and he is absolutely adorable while doing it. I didn’t want the night to end. He walked me out to the car and hugged me. After the hug, I second guessed myself. I wanted to do something more bold, but I totally wussed out. Mostly, though, I hope I get a chance to hug him again.

Tina didn’t even shank me for waking her up at 4:30 am. The next day was pretty crazy, too, but I will save that one for Thursday.



  1. You are beautiful. and spectacular. and wonderful. and brilliant. ….and a little nervous about jello, but w/e. 😛

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