Schedules are for Suckas

I went to bed last night at 3 am and woke up at 7 am and could not get back to sleep. I have spent the day whirling around like a coked-up squirrel.(Except for that hour or so long mini-coma.) I have things to make fabulous! Seriously, I talked on the phone with someone at 8:30 am and was pleasant and coherent.

I’m back to baking. I made brioche bread. This bread is good enough that it might get me laid. It is kind of labor intensive, because you have to kneed it four separate times, but the kneading is part of what makes it baking therapy for me.

I’m also almost done with a damn novella I have been almost done with for ages now. I think that part of my hyper waves today are driven by being so close. Until I am done, I will be alternating states of high energy with states of unconsciousness. The only cure is to take a nap, make some coffee when I wake up, and crank through the last few scenes of my story.

Yeah, focus done. Maybe I will have a real post Thursday.

I’M SO EXCITED. ABOUT EVERYTHING. Someone try and catch the asshole who slipped me the speed, please.


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