Um, Yeah, that Thing

The awesome women at Rock the Slut Vote link Thursday’s blog, and it got some attention.  I’m hoping because it resonated with people and not just because I sounded a little foam-y at the mouth angry. Oddly enough, I’ve gotten two conservative bloggers followers on Twitter. I don’t even know what that is about.

So now is the awkward blog that logic tells me I should work really hard to make awesome. I ponder for two days about what to right to hook in any new readers and prove to them that I am super cool and worth reading. I think about writing more about whatever it was that brought me traffic. Then I realize I am not good at trying to be cool. I would end up writing some pretentious spew.

Weinie dog jumping into a pool

These are my efforts to write something meaningful and awesome as a follow up

Tina told me one time my gift is my ability to pour my soul into my blogs and people relate and feel less alone. I think Tina is brilliant or she wouldn’t by my bff, so I listen to her. Here is my problem: my soul is not fascinating at all today.

I’ve been thinking about how much I love the Curiosity Rover, and I want a shirt that says “Screw Team Edward and Jacob, I’m Team Bobak.” We lived in Louisiana before I turned nine. I remember standing outside of our house in Louisiana and looking up at the sky and realizing there was nothing between me and space other than air. It was a profound moment for little weird me, and it started my love affair with space. Go, Curiosity, go!

Nutella and banana sandwiches are delicious.

The Viking and I play Minecraft together, and I love it. I make these obnoxiously large sculpture things in game, and I am working on a new one. I have been wandering around trying to solve an issue I am having with it. I’m the strangest girlfriend ever. Sometimes I feel bad for the guy, but I remember he knew what he was getting. I *might* have ran around and dyed all of the sheeps in the world either yellow or red. It was fun. I’m not ashamed. I’m considering breeding a red sheep and a yellow sheep and seeing if we get an orange sheep. Like Tina says, You aren’t hardcore unless you rock hardcore. Bitches.

I’m picking back up the fantasy novel I’m writing. I’m taking my time with it, so I am okay with picking it up and putting it back down while I work on the novella.

And the final thing imprinted on my soul:

I stayed up until 6am baking and playing Minecraft. I need a nap.


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