I Know How Alice Feels

I am the strangest combination of deliriously happy with my life and angry as hell at society. I’ve done what any rational person would do while dealing with emotional confusion… I get on the internet and drown my emotions in  pictures of kittens.

I found some strange and wonderful things. Most things were just strange.

Party hard

You Aren’t Hardcore Unless You Rock Hardcore

I’m going to admit this: I read the phrase “mathcore”  for about the fourth time in my life and finally had to look it up. I don’t know what I was expecting, maybe something one of my music friends would write if they bred with one of my more mathy friends. Yeah not at all.

Mathcore should be actually “soundtrack for a budding serial killer.” I’m not saying it would make someone a serial killer, there seem to be a lot of variables there, but I do believe it could possible this music could give the kid the last nudge he needed to start mutilating the neighbors cats. Okay, all of them weren’t so bad. I kinda liked the band Dillinger Escape Plan, which means they have to be uncool already. I miss my youth when we listened to clean, sweet music like Rob Zombie and Tool.


This search lead naturally to me looking up “nintendocore“. Yep, a blending of hardcore/metal with Nintendo inspired synth music. I can’t believe such a thing actually exists. What is even more unbelievable, I kind of like it. It is oddly fascinating. I didn’t play video games as a young’un so I can’t say it is the sweet nostalgia of a misspent youth. I think it speaks to my inner nerd. Unlike mathcore, I think I don’t have enough of an inner psychopath for that.

I’m not even in the weird part of Youtube yet. Maybe I should stop while I am ahead.


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