Happy New Year Cats and Kittens

So we bid 2010 a fond farewell. Well, I don’t know how fondly I will remember 2010. There were some great things that happened last year but it was not uneventful. There were blizzards, power outages, family members in the hospital, new babies, completion of college, exotic illnesses, and finding the beginning of my path  to having a writing career. Yeah, all in all, a pretty decent year.

So down to business my gentle readers, with the new month comes a new theme and my sister gave me an idea for a slightly cheesy but fun one. January is all about New Years resolutions that will never be kept.  I know that it is kind of mainstream to focus on resolutions this time of year and that if I wanted to be edgy and cool I would pick something else and write about this in August. I am neither edgy nor cool, so I am bringing my dorktastic point of view on the same thing everyone is writing about right now. I am going to ask you guys to give me reader participation this month. Tell me your resolutions you make every year and never keep. Think of it as a class project.

Well I know my general blog posts are 500+ but today is New Years and I have other stuff to do like sleep and watch the NCIS marathon so I am using this holiday as an excuse to cut it short. Tuesday I shall return with a 500+ word blog about shit I always say I will do but always eventually end up failing.  Until then enjoy your hangovers or cranky children, whatever your case may be!


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