The Mighty New Year’s Resolution

Welcome to the time of year when everyone takes a look at their lives and decide that they, on a whole, suck and make many plans to improve themselves. I hate New Year’s resolutions. I am not opposed to looking at my life and trying to fix what is wrong. I think it is healthy and the only way to stave off stagnation. People close to me will tell you that I have massive emo fits that lead to me admitting that I need to be doing more with my life and resolving to change it in one way or another and I do it all with an awesome dramatic flair.

Why do I hate New Year’s resolutions then? I think that there is something about how we make them that set us up to fail. There is something about swearing on a new year that makes it impossible to keep. Either we set stupidly high goals like “I will lose 92 pounds” or “I will cure world hunger” in the zeal and drama of the moment or we set vague goals or dates “I will live healthier” (first, its more healthfully according to Dr. Kelly Logan and if you don’t define how you plan to do this you won’t change anything) or “Sometime this year I will stop killing small furry creatures with my bare hands” (not setting a specific date allows you to procrastinate, so set a date for the end of the slaughter) and we will most likely fail. I also think there is something about the artificial nature of the date that doesn’t help us keep our self promises.  We all think its a great date for a fresh start or a fresh new life plan but we put too much importance on this artificial date when it comes to how we feel about our lives. January might be the start of the calendar year but it is cold and bleak and I am not motivated by cold. Also, it is right after Christmas which wears everyone out and makes us all broke. I always feel more like starting new phases around my birthday or in Spring not in the cold ass random month that I am told I should want a fresh start. Its too damn cold to change my life.

So this month I pay homage to the resolutions that will never be kept.

My first resolution is that I will wake up at a decent time every working morning and have a blog written and posted before noon. Ironically I will probably keep it today but I know it won’t happen five days a week for the rest of the year. I will stay up too late and sleep in or I will get sick or something else will happen in my world will happen and I will desperately type out some crappy blog post at 4 pm because it was that damn crowded at the super wal-mart. I am going to do my best to keep this goal, I really am, but honestly being really well rested helps assuage a lot of self loathing.


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