Okay, I’m Right, so the Frel What?

Okay, let’s add to a theme, this morning I went on Facebook before I had coffee. I’ve seen time after time why this is a terrible idea. I keep doing it. Will I never learn? Prolly not.

So, this morning I logged on to Facebook and saw this on my timeline:

Passive agressive BS


My sleep befuddled brain immediately started growling. Let me explain. I’m a huge supporter of our service men and women, and I love my country very much. I love my country, and I work to make it better. I cry every time I hear the  National Anthem. I’m a pretty big patriot in my own way. I also know my history.

“Under God” or “In God We Trust” wasn’t added to anything until the Communist debacle. The Red Scare is a stain on our history of people allowing ignorance and fear control them into hurting others. Our country was founded on religious freedom, and I believe strongly in that freedom, for all religions, not just Christianity. (As long as no one else’s freedoms are infringed upon and the like.) Also, many of the men who built this country where Deists, which is not a Christian.

(No, believe it or not, I don’t hate Christians. I actually think Christ had some amazing teachings.)

The last line implies that any good American will re-post the picture, and anyone who doesn’t is a baby-eating, God hating, pinko commie. I had my sleepy dander all up.

I went and found articles about the addition of the the words in question to the Pledge of Allegiance. I thought about my wording. I was going to try and be tactful and non-confrontational. I stopped myself though. It was this person’s personal Facebook. They can post whatever they want without being harassed, even if I was right.

I wrote out a post of my own about being proud of myself for not commenting, but I erased it. Turns out, I was being a douche bag. I am right. The post is obnoxious and implies some inaccuracies. Yes, Jesus was born in the summer, and Christmas is just the assimilation of pagan holidays in an attempt to make conversation easier. Yes, Christmas trees are actually pagan traditions brought to England in the Victorian era. I know my history. Good for me.

Truth is, facts are irrelevant in this situation. When I reply to anything like that in an attempt to “educate” the person, I’m being as big of an ass as they are. It is me trying to prove my superiority. There is a reason kids get the shit kicked out of them when they do that, it’s obnoxious.

Besides, I have a hard enough time not making an ass out of myself without trying to police others.





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