Corgi is the New Black

A drawing by SIR

Handy Guide

I don’t even know what this means.

The last week was kind of crazy between my town’s pansy ass electricity grid failing anytime the wind sneezes at it or people expecting me up early to do things.

I just can’t do early. I can’t. It is like a morning person being expected to be chipper and productive at 2am, which is my prime time. Thursday morning I had to take my father into work and I had my alarm set for 6 am. I woke up at 4:15am with sinus issues, but I was able to lay back down by 4:30am. I was stoked about getting another hour and a half sleep. I didn’t get sleepy until 5:45.*Shake fist*

I’ve decided to be proud of myself for never having gotten in a fist fight in the Super Wal-Mart or the Sam’s Club. I’ve never been in a fist fight anywhere, but I think if I ever did, it would be in one of those two places. They have some sort of rage inducing effect on me. I’m a pretty calm person, unless I’m driving, but every single trip to one of those establishments I think to myself “Bitch, I will take a swing at you.”

In Sam’s today this family kept being where I was and the kid would dart out in front of me causing me to have to stop quickly. I apparently make a surprised sound or possibly swear profusely under my breath, one of the two, and the mom would shoot me dirty looks. I didn’t hit her or her hell spawn with my cart. I didn’t even tell her if she didn’t want people demonstrating irritation at her nine year-old running crazy, she should have taught him not to run around like a little drunk person.

I know kids don’t have the best situational awareness, but they will never get it unless they are trained for it. Otherwise, they end up being the assholes that stop in the middle of the crosswalk to look at their text message. And, instead of giving strangers the death glare for daring to be irritated when they have to damn near get whiplash in order to keep from plowing into your wayward spawn, you smile and remind your kid to pay attention. One day, said child might meet someone texting while pushing a cart and end up under a cart.

This is why I should never breed.





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