I have a bunch of random stuffs from my brain. I’mma throw them out to you.
Tall Woman Win: I just changed a light bulb. All I had to do to reach it was put on shoes with tiny heels.
I now have a locking, fold-out hard make up case, a suitcase of my very own (it’s purple), and a passport on order. I’m fucking fancy bitches. The Viking lent me his spare fancy camera to practice using before the trip. Obviously I need it since I took photos of my make-up case and can’t get them off the camera because they are the wrong file type. WHY?!?!?! Still, fancy as shit.
I have angry PMS this month. I’m pretty sure it is giving me super strength. It’s definitely giving me super ranting powers. Also, I haven’t stabbed anyone… yet.
Taco Bell chips are made of lard and salt and deliciousness.
Also, their crunchy taco supremes are perfect.
One day a few months ago, My mom and I were talking while I was driving her somewhere, and mid sentence I stopped to point a squirrel and tell her how funny it looked. I ‘squirrelled’ like the dogs from Up in real life. I don’t have attention issues.
The world is being full of stupid: violent, dangerous stupid, and it needs to stop. World stop being stupid.
I had a lot more things, then I got distracted. I’ll leave you with this OCD soothing picture from the interwebz.
Geeks a Geeking