The Hardest Part of a Trip to the Super Wal-Mart

First of all, get the immature giggle out for the dirty innuendo.

Some people would say the hardest part of any wal-mart trip would be paying at the end. I thoroughly disagree. While I hate the check-out and I normally spend way more than I intend I still think the worst part of any trip is the part before you leave and you have to make yourself go.

The reason this blog post is so late is because I had intended to go to the wal-mart after I got all of my other stuff done today. I was going to go and have some fresh new tale of redneck America. I went into my kitchen and looked around to see if there was anything I needed to add to my list. I found my dirty hippie reusable bags. I put on my shoes. I decided there was nothing that I couldn’t live without until tomorrow.

Sometimes that few minutes before you leave really isn’t so bad. Sometimes I have things I need and I am in a productive mood so I go go go and get it done. I can occasionally find the motivation to go without much procrastination because I think of all the things I want to do but I have to go there first. Some days are just like today. It is late and I am tired. I had a semi-busy day. I especially do not want to deal with the Rush Springs crowd on a Saturday evening.

It is like starting a walk or writing a paper. The feeling of the blinking text line thingy ( I know there is a technical name but it is not in my brain right now) is so daunting that I often alt-tab to check my facebook atleast four more times. I know that once I just start writing things will not be nearly as difficult as I think but it is actually making the words start that is so difficult. Same way for a wal-mart trip.

I have my list folded up in my back pocket and I am staring at my blue bags. The logical part of my brain knows that if I just dig the keys out of purse and go it won’t be that bad. I will be home and I will have one less thing on my mind. Most of the time I whine to myself for a second and then do it.  I know when I am on the road that I have the hardest part over with it. Then there are nights like tonight.

Tonight my list was: pepper, antihistamines, milk, and coffee. That is all. It would have been a short trip. I could have went through the express lane, which, by the way, I am convinced are not actually much faster a lot of the time. If you are standing behind seven people who all have to pay and the cashier is moving so slow that she is almost moving backwards and quacking, then it is not much faster than one person with forty items. It was a short list. I could have grabbed everything in like ten minutes. It was a short list and we had enough of everything to last until after breakfast tomorrow. The only thing I am out of is pepper and I don’t often have pepper emergencies.

There was the question of wtf was I going to write about if I didn’t actually go to wal-mart today. I decided to write about not going to wal-mart. I managed about 600 words too. That, my friends, is skill.


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