What the Hell Happened to March?

So, I should be ashamed of the fact that I really missed a bunch of posts in March but I am really not. Shit happens and that is the way of life. Good news is that I really enjoyed writing about books. The even better news is that this is my blog and if I want to take another month soon and write about books, I can. Muhahaha, I am drunk with power or just insane.

Anyway, I think I made a good mini-start on writing on books I love. There are so many more that I think I should write about. I need to figure out an approach about how to write about books. I need to either think about focusing on one seriesĀ  a day or one book. I think I did not do Christopher Moore any justice by trying to write about all of his books in one post. Maybe I should have genre months. Who knows?

It is all irrelevant right now because starting Saturday I move on to something new. I am actually kind of excited about it even though it could be difficult. I think it will actually be good that I am spending time around my friends since they will be able give me inspiration for next month. I know, I know, I haven’t explained a damn thing about what next month is about and I won’t. Two things I can count on with this blog: being able to write a shorter and crappier entry at the beginning of each month and being able to write a shorter and crappier entry and the end of each month. I am not denying myself that by explaining next month’s theme in this month’s wrap up. Lord…. Maybe I should sleep more.


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