April is Totally Not for Fools

Last month I was at Tina’s house (notice how many of my stories and ideas start out with “I was at Tina’s house) and I was watching this kid’s show called the Fresh Beat Band. For adults the show is like bludgeoning yourself with a mace over and over until you pass out but for kids the show is like the second coming of the Beatles but I was exhausted so I was laying on the couch watching Sam dance around like an acid tripping hippie and kind of following the episode.

The premise of the show is that these four young adults go to a music school (though it is never clear if it is college or high school) and they get into many crazy situations and get themselves out using friendship, teamwork, and, of course, song. Honestly, the show is pretty innocuous. It is just really annoying. Anyway, during this particular episode it is the kid’s music teacher’s birthday so they decide to buy her a piccolo, a cake, and wallpaper her music room.  While they were working on her room, two of the kids accidentally got stuck together back to back and had to work together to get the room done. Of course, they did it with a song.

Anyway, at the end of the show they bring the music teacher into the room.

Let me list the improbabilities that have existed up to this point real quick.

  • Some college or high school kids were able to afford a new piccolo.
  • The same kids defaced school property with new wallpaper while managing to keep their teacher out of the room.
  • Two of the characters got stuck together with wallpaper paste.
  • They did this all with a a song.

By this time I have drowsily watched the entire show and just went with the flow.

Anyway, they bring the teacher into the room and she notices and says something about the wallpaper. They give her the piccolo and they have a few minutes of conversation about it. It is only then that she notices the three foot tall brightly decorated cake.

Something  in my brain snaps and I say “Oh Yeah, like she just noticed the cake now, that is some crap!”

I hear Tina snort behind me and she asked incredulously “That is where your suspension of disbelief breaks?”

This started a seriously epic conversation about how my version of logic and my world view might be unique.

(Before people wet themselves: Tina explained to me that I was using the word logic wrong, but I am doing it anyway.)

We decided after much laughing and hilarious mocking of my world view that I needed to have month devoted to my strange and awesome world view. So April is subtitled:

The Wonderful Logic of Selinafish

Welcome, my gentle readers, into my brain. /golfclap




    • Renée on April 3, 2011 at 9:53 am
    • Reply

    Yay!!! My life will now be complete!

    1. Did you forget to use the sarcasm font?

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