Techno Junkie

I have always known that I love technology. I have two computers; a gaming desktop that I built myself and a laptop. I am very seldom found without my cellphone, and while it might not be the latest greatest smartphone, it does have a qwerty keyboard. I know what a qwerty keyboard is. I have expensive gaming keyboard and mouse, actually, I have two expensive gaming mice. I run my own website and I am learning web design. I contribute to the best humor site on the web urlybits. I try to keep up with internet culture. I have a twitter account though I am not really into it. I have played three mmorpgs (only one hardcore) and I am looking forward to the new Star Wars game. (I have an ipod but I hate the damned thing. That is a post all in itself.)

With all of this, I would think I would realize that I am a techno junkie. I knew that I relied on my electronics a lot. I went something like ten days without power one winter. I survived. I had books. I have always told myself that if all of my other forms of electronic entertainment failed, I could always read. Of course now, I desperately want an e-reader but BUT I could always fall back on my old fashion paper books. I thought that I was fairly well balanced for a techno junkie. I only use my computer and phone because they are convenient but if I didn’t have them I would be okay. Damn I was in denial.

The first clue that not having a computer is a major bad thing is that I use it for my writing. Yes, I know I could write with pen and paper but, honestly, that is a terrible idea. I type far faster than I write and my handwriting is terrible. In college I had people offer me money for my class notes until they saw just how bad my handwriting and short hand is (during Civil War lectures, I referred to the Confederacy by atleast four different names) and I had to tell them no.

Today, though, I got an even clearer indicator that I am a techno junkie. Hotmail is down and I cannot handle it. I load up MSN and it tells me I have twelve e-mails but when I click the link that is supposed to take me to my inbox, I get an error message. Twelve unread e-mails waiting for me and I cannot get to them. The link is like some sick sadistic torture begging to be clicked but won’t flipping work.

Logically I know that is all probably e-mails from travel website and the hippie sites that I am on for some strange reason. I know when I finally do get access there will be nothing of any importance. Logically my brain knows this but my heart tells me there is something important in there and I can’t get to it. It is just not fair.

So I here I go:

Hi, my name is Selina and I am a techno junkie.


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