Woah There

Yes, yes, I know it has been over a week since I have written anything. I started to write something last Saturday and just decided to spend sometime with my best friend and her family instead. I have the post I started saved and I think it could be something really interesting. I decided it just wasn’t something I wanted to write right then. What about the rest of the week, Selina? Well, two things were going on last week.

I went on a job interview on the seventh and I was excited. Last week started the waiting game. I am terrible at the waiting game. It makes me a bit edgy. Some people have implied (or flat out said) that I am a bit of a bulldozer when it comes to getting things I care about done. I do not like waiting. I found out Wednesday the officer in charge of hiring for the position was calling all of my references. After hearing what he asked two of my references, I realized that he knows more about me than most of my boyfriends with no context in which to put it. I shouldn’t admit it but I am a bit amused by the idea of what the man must think of me.

The second thing that happened last week was that it was slightly less hot than the surface of the sun in my house. I generally prefer the heat to the cold. I will take 90 over 40 any day but 104 is just freaking ridiculous. Seriously, triple digit heat is just crazy talk. It should stop. Factor in that neither my computer room or my bedroom have air conditioning and I am cranky as hell. I love writing and I love my blog but it was hot and I had no desire to roast to write some whiny bitchy blogs.

Then this past Saturday I was at Tina’s again. I normally do write when I am at Tina’s. I bring my laptop and normally write something about what is going on.  They may not be my best blogs but I do generally have something to show. Saturday Tina made me work from the moment I woke up at 7:30 am until I went to bed at 2 am. Wait… No, that was her, except she woke up at 7 am. Tina worked me from the second I had had three cups of coffee and food at about 8:23 am until I totally wussed out at about 9pm. I had nothing to write except I was tired, her livingroom looked super badass, and I hate having to try and figure out how to put drawer tracks on furniture from a box.

Now, today, it is not any cooler, I am still waiting, and it is Monday. Why am I writing a blog? I don’t know really. I think I was anxious and it is too flipping hot to do anything else productive like clean or exercise. Besides one extra blog after skipping four won’t hurt anything. I think I also figured I would get my complaining out today so tomorrow I can write something witty and insightful that will change the world, well, if it isn’t too hot.


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