What I am thankful for

Or “For what I am thankful” for you grammar nazis out there.

Oddly enough today I am thankful that my website was down this morning. Here is why:

This morning I was not thankful. I was grumpy and unhappy and I had nothing positive to say. I had little sleep for reason I was not thankful about, my dad was working so my mom and I had no plans, and I was just not looking forward to anything. I was thankful for my coffee and my waffles and that was about it. Now at 5 p.m, I feel much more positive about my world.

Sometimes I just need an attitude adjustment. I started out by logging onto the world of warcraft and talking to my bff and doing some funny quests. Sounds silly but these two things started to lever me out of my cranky butt mood. My boyfriend called me and he made me laugh. I played with my wienie dogs and they made me laugh.  I went to the website that I am going to work for and it announced that they were thankful for their writers and for the writers they are going to unveil Monday. It was pretty amazing that I am one of those writers. I surfed some more and found other things that made me laugh. Attitude adjustments are sometimes great things.

My mom and I went out on an adventure looking for somewhere open for Thanksgiving and found McDonald’s and Braum’s. Instead we went to the super wal-mart and adventured down the frozen food aisle. I can’t really explain why, but it was fun picking out some pre-packaged frozen food and baked goods with her.  It is perfectly odd like me and my mom.

I am a lucky person. I have many beautiful, complicated, and rewarding relationships in my life. I have amazing families since I can claim my family and Tina’s family. I have amazing friends. For the first time since beginning college I feel like I am doing what I am meant to be doing. I feel like a writer and it fits. For a little bit this morning I had given up hope.  I don’t like me without hope. I know life can be dark, scary, and painful but I always have hope that through everything there is something better when you come out the other side if you allow yourself to see it.  I haven’t been wrong yet; I just forget it every once in awhile.

I guess today I am thankful for hope and wienie dogs.

A cute video that made me smile


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