A Blog in which I Explain My Caffeine Overdose

So, last night I OD’ed on caffeine. I might not bring it up except that I blogged in the middle of it AND sent The Bloggess direct messages (I told her she is the David Bowie of blogging). Social media is awesome because it means you can send your idol really insane messages while whacked out on chemicals. Ooops. Mea Culpa.

I have learned that 9-12 cups of coffee a day is a bad thing. I didn’t realize this until my legs started tingling, I was burning hot, and nauseous. I completely missed the pounding heart and insane bouncing brain. It should probably make me sad that the mood swings and crazy inability to focus were close enough to normal that I didn’t notice. I’m not going to analyze it though, no good can come from it.

I realized I was overdosing on caffeine and was incredibly tired. (The universe thinks those things are funny.) I decided to back away from any form of communication, (only after blogging, facebooking, and tweeting, of course) and try to get some sleep. I lay in bed yawning but my brain zipping around like a cracked out squirrel. I will give you a brief transcript:

Why am I crying? I’m not sad. Maybe my eyes are just watering. Is that a caffeine OD thing or is it just me being weird. It is probably just me being weird.

The Bloggess is going to get an internet restraining order against me, and you know what, I deserve it.

My dog is going to be really sad if I don’t take her for a walk tomorrow but I think I need to relax and even out some.

NOTHING I DO MATTERS. I am a complete failure at writing I should give up and get a normal job. I HATE ME.

Who in their right mind thinks they can go from 3 cups of coffee a day to 12 and not suffer consequences. Well, obviously, I wasn’t thinking.

MY HEART IS LIKE A GODDAMN MARIMBA. I think it is a marimba at least.

I miss Adriel.

I’m going to die alone.

And the thoughts went on like this for about twenty more minutes until I gave up and baked something.

This morning things are much better. I am watching my coffee intake because, apparently, too much makes me insane. I think it is also causing my writers block. And near religious experiences.



    • Kathleen on January 31, 2012 at 1:24 pm
    • Reply

    You are as well, if not more, equipped to be a soul mate as anyone I’ve ever known. You’re already a writer…if you got a day-job you’d still be a writer…if you lost your computer in a plastic apocalypse you’d still be a writer.

    1. I was whacked out on chemicals. The chemicals made me think strange things

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