I went EIGHT HOURS without the interwebz today.


Simpson capslock

Flawless logic

Okay, honestly, it wasn’t that big of a deal.

I think I went like 24 hours once. That was rough.  There was also that time we got a blizzard, we were without electricity for 7 days. I would go into the work at the library and silently breath in the electricity, recharging my soul.

I don’t have a smartphone. If I did I would never internet detox. I don’t think always being connected to the internet would be good for me. I’m a little too – intense – for that.

I love to hear people, especially women, talk about going back in history to “simpler times” without technology. Maybe its because I have some education in History under my belt, but people who say that have no fracking clue what they are talking about. Yes, technology leads to some very messed up things and douchebag behaviors, but times weren’t better before it. I would rather internet trolls and insta-access to the fucktardary of the world than dying because of strep throat, bad teeth, and child birth. But, really, I wouldn’t mind not being able to own property or vote just not to have to deal with texting.

Yes, dating and marriage was simpler. Your parents picked your husband, or at least had a heavy hand in the courtship, and you married him, and any property that was yours before the marriage became his. If you were lucky he was decent guy. If he wasn’t, too frelling bad. He could beat you or cheat on you with little repercussion, but if you cheated on him, or even acted improperly, he could divorce you, take your kids and any premarital property, and leave you broke and homeless. Yes, times were simpler, but they fucking sucked.

I don’t even know where the hell all that came from. Sometimes I worry for my gentle readers, because I will go off on a thought stream, and you guys don’t have a boat. I spend a significant amount of mental energy interpreting the world for my brain and my brain for the world. I spend so much time in my own head thinking strange thoughts. They aren’t useful thoughts; they are just stuff like weird ‘what-if’ situations. If I could science and I spent as much time thinking of curing cancer as I do thinking about being on the Ellen DeGeneres show, we wouldn’t have cancer. I do think a lot about science which means Tina and the Viking get a lot of strange texts from me.

Okay, I know that it takes a lot of energy to heat up water one degree compared to a lot of common things.. I also know the cooling process is the spreading of energy (heat) to the world around. (I still say when my big white girl ass gets super cold in winter it actually sucks the heat from the surrounding area like a jiggly heat black hole.) I have yet to figure out if it take the release of more energy to cool water one degree than other things, or is that even a thing? Am I thinking crazy talk?

This is the shit that happens when I am separated from news, politics, and Facebook for 8 hours.


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