Beer and Blogging

So, I’m late starting my blog because I was watching Benedict Cumberbatch run around in sexy pants, otherwise known as the new Start Trek movie.

bad selfies

I take bad selfies. I’m fascinated by my freckles though.

Now, I’m drinking a strawberry apple ale and editing old pictures I got off my phone. The Viking is due to call me any second.  This post will probably just be a bunch of pictures from my phone.

Beer as holiday gifts

True story I saw this at the Super Wal-Mart a few years ago

On a side note, while the counseling center was doing their interview to decide if they will take me as a client they kept asking me if I had a substance abuse problem. I don’t. After a few more stressors were added to my life, I have decided to start a White Trash Wine Drinking League. My team’s name is The Lascivious Lushes. I already have one teammate. I’m taking apps for more teammates and team members.

dumptruck of DOOM

Saw this on the interstate one day and I found it interesting enough to teach my mom how to take photos with my phone. Those are baby dolls and teddy bears on the back of a dump truck

I haven’t quite figured out the scoring system, other than there are participation points, points for drunken crafting (preferably with your wine box/bottle), super extra bonus points for designated drivers. There will be bonus points for sexiness and yoga pants. Any team caught drunk driving gets banned.

I’m still working it out on the site’s Facebook page. If you haven’t “liked” me, you should. It makes me happy and sometimes random funny shit happens. Also, you will have an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this league. It’s gunna be HUGE.


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